GEMA Apparatenbouw
Mastering production through strategic insourcing
Testimonial GEMA Apparatenbouw
- Location:
- Machine:
- Employees:
- Industry:
- Biddinghuizen, Netherlands
- Voortman MO Compact
- 55
- Equipment manufacturing
“We now cut just-in-time and it’s exactly what we needed. It made us much more flexible and we have short lines of communication.”
GEMA Equipment manufacturing has been a leading Dutch equipment manufacturer for the petrochemical industry since 1990. The company manufactures all kinds of applications for the transfer of liquid and gaseous products within the process industry. Their products range from loading arms for boats, trains and trucks to piping and more. GEMA has done projects everywhere around the world, from Antwerpen to Abu Dhabi.
Wouter Timmer, director and co-owner of GEMA explains how the company’s strategic desire to enhance control over their production process led to the acquisition of the Voortman MO Compact pipe processing machine. Before its acquisition, GEMA, like many in the industry, relied heavily on external suppliers for key production steps. This reliance often introduced uncertainties in delivery times and quality, impacting the company's ability to meet their shops expectations with the agility and precision required.

In the past, GEMA relied heavily on external suppliers for key production steps, including pipe cutting. This outsourcing of production steps presented several challenges. Lead times could be extended due to the supplier’s own schedules, causing delays or missed deadlines. Logistics and handling were more complex. Additionally, this reliance also reduced GEMA’s flexibility to adapt quickly to changes in demand or production requirements. As Wouter Timmer promptly puts it: “To an external supplier, you’re a customer who needs to wait in line with a number of other buyers. You don’t know exactly how long it will take.”
The desire to insource production grew, leading to the decision to bring the Voortman MO Compact on board. This marked the beginning of a new chapter. GEMA now manufacturers just-in-time, producing the right product with the right materials at the right moment. Wouter Timmer: ‘We cut what we need per day and we have no leftover material. It made us much more flexible.’ Wouter also explained that the machine paid for itself very quickly, because extra logistical steps were eliminated.

The need for automation becomes increasingly critical as labor shortages persist within the industry. GEMA, like many others, faces significant challenges in locating qualified and skilled workers to fill essential roles throughout their operations. Automation plays a pivotal role in ensuring continuous process flow and efficiency, especially in the face of these workforce challenges. By implementing the MO Compact, GEMA mitigates the impact of labor shortages. This approach not only helps maintain consistent production output but also improves reliability, reduces human error, and enhances overall operational efficiency.
GEMA has signed an annual maintenance contract with Voortman, ensuring that specialized maintenance engineers conduct thorough inspections tailored specifically to the MO Compact. This allows GEMA to focus on their core business without worrying about equipment issues. Wouter Timmer highlights the prompt assistance from Voortman as a significant advantage, explaining that a Voortman engineer is always present within a day when issues arise.

The Voortman MO Compact is a high-tech pipe processing designed to elevate your work to new heights. With its ability to handle round pipes up to 900 mm (36") in diameter and a heavy pipe weight of up to 4 metric tons, the MO Compact is is built for demanding applications. What truly sets it apart, however, is its unparalleled accuracy. Delivering high-quality and reliable performance, you can trust that your pipe profiling will be precise every single time. This makes the MO Compact the ideal choice for critical applications where precision is absolutely essential.

When asked about their decision to choose Voortman, Wouter's response was clear, "If a comparable company like GEMA called me for a reference and asked, 'Would you recommend Voortman?', 100% yes, absolutely. Immediately." He elaborated on his strong endorsement by highlighting the exceptional performance and reliability of the Voortman machines, as well as the prompt and professional support from Voortman’s maintenance team. The partnership between Voortman and GEMA illustrates how strategic investments in technology can lead to a more streamlined and reliable manufacturing operation.