  • Automation
  • Beam
  • MSI
  • Software
  • Fabrication

Industry 4.0 - The added value in steel processing

What is Industry 4.0?

‘Industry 4.0’ is being referred to by a lot of experts in the steel fabrication and manufacturing industry, but what does it mean and, more important, what is the added value for your business? In one sentence: Industry 4.0 is the next level in automation, which means that everything is connected, in all levels of the value chain.

The production of the future will run even more independently. We are not talking about automation of a production line itself, we are talking about automation of the whole factory. This implies that also on the machine and production line level things are going to change. Industry 4.0 will eventually lead to new business models and improved productivity by connecting machinery, sensors and control systems together. But keep in mind that this fourth industrial revolution is a revolution that comes with small steps; it is not one huge immediate change. Let’s dive into the steps Voortman takes regarding Industry 4.0 with four concrete effects of Industry 4.0 affecting your business.

Being in total control

Voortman’s in-house developed VACAM software makes it possible to monitor the current situation from the office and thereby, being up-to-date on everything that happens. Voortman delivers a complete solution called “Multi System Integration” (MSI) in which multiple machines are connected in one integrated system. The entire system is equipped with detection and sensors to monitor every operation and motion, enabling you to see the location and status of your products. By means of this two-way communication the machine and software are able to control your production autonomously and in a way that is a lot more efficient. This significantly increases your productivity while reducing labor costs and enabling the operator to control the entire system. A good example of a customer experiencing these benefits is Leach Structural Steelwork Ltd.

Predictive maintenance

The Voortman machines provide you real-time feedback on the steel processed, the current status and what parts and consumables need to be replaced.

Leach Structural Steelwork Ltd. - MSI