News - 04 June, 2020

BECT SAS invested in a Voortman drill saw line

BECT SAS invested in a Voortman drill saw line


BECT SAS - Stay competitive in the market

Since the 2008 crisis BECT SAS had to drop prices in order to stay competitive in the market. The hours per ton were high and they had to decrease it. Another thing they had to deal with was meeting European norms. BECT SAS wanted to reduce costs and invested in a saw-drill line with a V630M beam drilling machine with layout marking coupled with a VB1050 saw with infeed and outfeed cross transports. This line delivers the beams directly to the welding and assembly stations.

They currently have a 7.000 m2 workshop with an area for processing beams and tubes with the Voortman beam line. Alongside they have a plate cutting area and an assembly department, consisting of 10 welding stations, a painting booth and an angle and bending section.

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